Sexual Health

STDs range from completely asymptomatic, to causing severe reduction in quality of life. We have 5 outstanding STD testing packages, depending on the patient’s personal needs and complaints. We highly recommend all sexually active people to get tested for chlamydia at least once a year.

Why chlamydia? Because it is silent and affects not just sexual health, but other parts of the body as well, including the joints and eyes.

If untreated, it may even lead to infertility or excruciating abdominal or back pain due to intrapelvic adhesions.

You can check for all of the most common STDS with a single vaginal or urethral swab.

This includes: Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplasma parvum and HPV.

Notably, HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

I strongly encourage patients that most of the diseases are curable and catching them early means you avoid serious complications.

At Dental & Medical Clinic in Barking we wish to to celebrate all women not just for one day, but the whole month of March with offers for our gynaecology services.

That’s why you can have 50% OFF for PAP smear test (reduced from £160 to just £80) when booking together with doctor’s consultation and examination.

And also 20% off for Sexual Health Test regular price £100 reduced to £80 when booking together with doctor’s consultation and examination.

We hope this offer will help you to prioritize your health and make you feel more secure and confident in your body.

Book an appointment as soon as possible and take care of your sexual health.

Dr. Alina Ausriene, Specialist Obstetrician Gynecologist at Dental & Medical Clinic in Barking.

Heel Pain

Do you wake up with heel or foot pain? Meet Anastasia, a 30-year-old traffic warden. She came to our clinic with gradual heel pain over six months, forcing her to quit her job in the last two months. It felt like walking on broken glass, especially in the morning or after sitting for a while.